Veneers are a popular dental procedure used to improve the appearance of your teeth. They are made from porcelain or composite resin and cover the front surface of your teeth like a thin layer of enamel. Veneers can make your smile whiter, brighter, and even more in color. They also help hide gaps between teeth and minor chips or cracks. If you want to know more about veneers, read on.

The Procedures Are Painless

It is a simple process that typically takes only one visit to complete. This means you don’t have to go through the inconvenience of going back and forth with your dentist for multiple appointments before getting started on the treatment plan. The procedure itself does not take very long, either. In most cases, it will be completed in about an hour or less.

Veneers Can Solve Different Dental Issues

Veneers can be used to fix chipped or broken teeth, improve tooth color and make your smile brighter.  Veneers are a thin layer of porcelain that is placed over the front surface of your existing teeth.  Once they’re bonded on, it will cover any flaws making them look natural and more attractive. Additionally, veneers are suitable for teeth that aren’t straight or well-aligned.

Many people suffer from misalignment problems because their front teeth don’t line up with the ones next to them, causing visible gaps and an unattractive smile. Veneers will fix this problem by filling in any spaces between your teeth, making it look like they’re all the same size.  Veneers are also an excellent solution for discolored teeth because they will make them look brighter and more uniform.

There Are More Than One Type of Veneers

There are three different types of veneers.

There is the traditional veneer, which is typically made out of porcelain or composite materials. These tend to be thinner than other options and take less time to place on teeth that need them.

The second type of veneer is the all-ceramic type, which has more of an emphasis on aesthetics than function. These tend to be thicker than traditional veneers and can take longer to place because they require a molding process that takes hours in some cases. 

Finally, there are zirconia crowns, not authentic veneers but often referred to as such. These are made out of a material that looks and feels like natural teeth, and they tend to be thicker than traditional veneers but thinner than all-ceramic types. In addition, zirconia crowns do not require the molding process, so these can usually take less time for your dentist to place in comparison with traditional veneers.

Before your dentist begins placing a veneer, they will take an impression of the tooth. This is called taking a dental mold or bite registration to sculpt the teeth to create the best possible esthetic results for you while maintaining function and strength in each case.

If traditional porcelain veneers are used, the teeth will be whitened before they are placed. This is known as tooth bleaching, and it takes place because surfaces need to look natural but also white to impact your smile.

Expect Multiple Doctor’s Visits Before, During, and After Veneers

Veneers are a great way to improve your smile, but there’s more involved with the process than just the veneers themselves.

Patients should plan to visit their dentist at least twice before getting a set of veneers: once for an initial consultation and again right before receiving them. There may also be follow-up visits after you get your new smile, which will depend on how long they last and what kind of treatment is needed to keep them looking their best.

Expect a Test Drive for Your Teeth

The dentist will take an impression to determine the proper fit of your veneers. This is done by making a soft mold of your teeth with either dental stone or putty material which takes 45 minutes to an hour. If you are unhappy, it may be necessary to do this multiple times before finding the right fit.

Expect your teeth to feel a little different. They may take some time getting used to them or feeling like they are talking with food in their mouth because the veneers cover more of the tooth surface than crowns. However, after about three weeks, you should adjust and be able to smile again confidently.


Veneers are a great way to improve the appearance of your smile while also protecting it from further damage. While they can be expensive and time-consuming, you should always look into them as one potential solution for restoring your teeth to their former glory. Once you have decided on veneers, make sure that any dentist you go to is certified, experienced, and trustworthy. Contact us today for advice from our expert team of professionals or make an appointment at